Faulty e-mail given at sign-up; how do I access the blog now?

  • My problem is that my wife tried to make a blog and accidentally entered her e-mail wrong (ONE letter missing) when she signed up. The confirmation e-mail was sent to a non-existent, impossible Gmail account. Is there any way to delete the mistaken WordPress account and start over so we can use that name? It’s a great name for her (lilymott.wordpress.com).

    Note: She can’t log in because we don’t have the password WordPress sent to the faulty e-mail address that doesn’t exist. The site is live even though there has been no activity…will it ever be deleted at least due to inactivity? It’s been inactive since November.

  • Sigh, can anyone delete lilymott.wordpress.com? Are there any wordpress.com admins here?

  • Well, they have a lot of other things to do (wordpress.org, pingomatic, akismet…) Have you tried emailing any of them?

  • Surely if you can log into your forum account you can log into your blog, aren’ they one and the same?

  • Hehe, I can log into mott.wordpress.com just fine. My wife and I can’t log into the blog we created for HER (lilymott.wordpress.com). Which is why we either need it deleted to start anew or have an option of the password being e-mailed to the correct e-mail address. We never received the confirmation for it when it was created in November (which I hoped would be cause for it to fade away by now since it’s never been used).

  • I’ve the same problem here, with different conditions. anyway I’d like to restart an account I’ve just created called estudi21.wordpress.com. I’ve another account called giralt.wordpress.com wich I’ve just created too using an email. I’ve regret to use that name, and before deteling it changed the email to another one. But before I clicked the link sent to my mail to accept that change of email, I’ve registered estudi21.wordpress.com using the first email I used for the giralt account. And then came the bug… coz never received an email for login on estudi21.wordpress.com.

    HELP PLEASE, need to keep estudi21!

  • They reset our password and now it’s all set! Thanks Andy!

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