Faulty Blog Post Block

  • I’ve added a Blog Post Block to my homepage, and everything looks great in the editor. But when i preview/publish it, the block is all out of whack: the images are too big, overlap each other, and the text is squeezed into a too-narrow cell.

    I tried toggling the size of the image but it didn’t affect anything on the preview. I do not have the width icon on my block bar, so I could not determine if that was an issue (although, again, no issues on view in the editor).

    WP.com: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Do you mind if we take a look at the page in the editor?

    You’ll need to stop editing it for us to take a look.

  • Oh, oops, sorry, I ended up just switching themes, and now it updates fine. I was originally in scrawl theme–not sure if maybe that one does not support the blog post block?

  • @lazorrita024 Ah, Scrawl is really out of date. We can’t adapt it properly for blocks without potentially causing issues with existing sites that don’t want to change anything, so it’s best to use a newer theme if possible. Glad you were able to sort this out.

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