Fatal Error

  • When my website WordPress updated automatically i face Fatal error and this message (Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wp_getElementByCSS() (previously declared in /home2/mmayha/public_html/isporttoday.net/wp-includes/functions.php:5469) in /home2/mmayha/public_html/isporttoday.net/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5532)

    How i can solve this issue or how i can stop auto updates?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    It appears that your question is related to a self-hosted WordPress blog.

    Hopefully, you can reach the community of WordPress.org users on WordPress.org support forums (http://wordpress.org/support/) where you will certainly find an answer to your question.

    Don’t forget to search through the forums before posting your question, there is a good chance your reply is already there waiting for you!

    Happy blogging!

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