Facebook sharing bug

  • I have tried to get help with this already but so far no luck. If I share something on Facebook AFTER I EDIT IT, the pre-edited version shows up as the Facebook excerpt post. I have tried clearing my cache. I have tried in both Chrome and Safari.
    For example:
    If I type, say “My dog has flies” and hit publish, then correct to “My dog has fleas,” what shows up on FB is “My dog has flies .” And nothing fixes it, not clearing the cache, not using another browser, NOTHING. It happens if I hit the share button AND when I paste the link into the browser bar.
    This is driving me CRAZY.
    Please help me fix it. Thank you.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    It sounds like Facebook has saved the old version of your post, from before you edited it. That’s why the old version is coming up when you share the post on Facebook.

    You can try to force Facebook to update the version it’s saved by pasting the link to your blog post into this page: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug

    That should get Facebook to grab the new version of your post. That way, when you share the post, the new version will appear.

    Please let me know if I can provide any further help with this. :)

  • Thanks but that did not work. Also it happens if I DID NOT post on Facebook before editing. So, there’s no way this is the case.

  • Hi there,

    Can you give me a link to a post where this is happening? I’ll be happy to take a look for you.

    If you’re trying to share the post immediately after making an edit, it’s also possible that the old version of the post is being cached on our end. However, that cache is updated regularly, so if you wait a bit you should see the new version when you share it.

  • It’s every single post on skronker.com, such as this one.

    I edited moments after hitting publish but the original is what shows on FB.

    And no, unfortunately, it stays the same no matter how long I wait. Days. Weeks. I’ve tested this. Thanks!

  • Hi there,

    Here’s what I see when I look at that post on your blog: https://cloudup.com/crSeDf63YvZ

    And here’s what I see on Facebook when I share it: https://cloudup.com/cnvIDP8sh8p

    From what I see, Facebook is showing the updated info. Can you make a screenshot of what you see? You can upload screenshots to your Media Library under Media > Add New in your dashboard, or you can use an online service like Snaggy. Thanks!

    (By the way, cool post! That snow art is really incredible.)

  • OK, that’s weird. Now it’s working. It has NEVER worked (except, why does it grab the text from below the images?). I’m stumped. Thanks…I’ll let you know if it happens again.

  • There is no text above the image in the post. ;-)

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