Facebook Connect

  • Ditto! Please add a FB widget to WordPress.

  • For me facebook connect, i.e. enabling fb users to comment with their fb account, isn’t a high priority. It’s a nice thing to have of course. But I rather prefer comments showing the Gravatar and being authorized the traditional way.

    But some kind of social network integration would be great. Something like addtoany, addthis or a similar service. Using a badge somewhere in the sidebar just is less efficient than having this functionality directly below each post.

    Concerning facebook integration my current favorite would be “networked blogs” (networkedblogs.com). It’s a facebook app with a nice interactive “Followers Badge” (which of course isn’t of any use now on wordpress.com as it uses javascript). But it pulls your blogs rss feed and publishes it on you facebook wall.

  • I saw some questions about getting your blog to post on FB. Here’s how you do that:

    1. Under Applications, Choose Notes.
    2. On the right hand side of the screen, choose “Import a
    3. Enter your URL (the full web address) of your blog.

    Now when you post on your blog, it will also post on Facebook.

    Also, using text widgets will do just about anything you need. If you need to use code, you can create your text in a post and then turn on the “code” option. It turns your text into the needed code. Copy and paste where you need it.

  • Thank you – this really helped me:)

  • Another workaround:

    1. Create a page on Facebook for your Blog.
    2. Register your wp.com Blog with the facebook application “networked blogs”
    3. Allow “networked blogs” to publish your blog’s feed as status updates on the blog’s facebook page.
    4. All fans of your blog will see the new blog posts as short teasers with pictures and a “more” link to your blog in their facebook timeline.

  • I would like to have this feature too..

    @ Gruebler..

    Personally i’ve been using the Networked Blogs app on FB and its kinda great.. but what i really want is better integration with regards to making posts…

    Why not have a WP DASHBOARD on FB?
    but the only downside i could see is that people would RATHER LOGON TO THEIR FB accounts rather than their WP ACCOUNTS… ahaha

  • @ishin09 I totally agree! I would rather log into FB than WP account! I am really interested in a specific wordpress application, with a dashboard on facebook!

  • i definitely would like to see this and a big thank you to candytroutman

  • Personally… the only reason why im stuck with using the Networked Blogs app in FB is that, so far, its the best way to get your blog noticed among your friends on FB. Plus there’s Follower option… with this option people who subscribe / follow your blog get a notice on the notice are (bottom right corner of your screen) whenever you have a new post…

    only downside is that… it seems that no one is managing the app now…

  • Say yes to wordpress on facebook.

  • This is something I’ve been wanting too.
    Hopefully WordPress incorporates it!

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