extremely slow blog site and malfunctioning dashboard

  • I’ve set up http://www.crossfitgush.com through wordpress.com. My site has suddenly become extremely slow and I’ve lost my onsite dashboard and am forced to use the old version to post new blog posts.
    This change has occured for no apparent reason since I haven’t changed the configuration of the widgets or any other graphic element lately.
    Any idea why the sudden decrease in speed and availability of the new dashboard

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Sorry to hear you are having trouble with things loading slowly. We serve WordPress.com out of multiple data centers in the USA and utilize Content Delivery Networks around the world to make sure static assets (CSS and JavaScript) are delivered as quickly as possible to our users.

    It is possible that there is a connection problem or slowdown between your location and one of our facilities. Can you load the following URLs and tell me if any of them are slow?

    Additionally, can you tell me if there are other websites that are slow for you on WordPress.com, in addition to your site?

    That will help me troubleshoot this for you.

  • Hi rachelmcr,
    Thanks for responding.
    – The first link took does not finish loading
    – The second link informs me “not found”
    – The third link loads satisfactorily.
    Is there a change I have to make on my end?

  • The other link I’m having problems with is http://gushrunning.com/
    At the first link you gave (the new dashboard) I never get to see the “my websites” load.

  • Hi there,

    Thanks for letting me know those details. This sounds like an issue with your connection (either from your computer or your internet service provider) to WordPress.com. I can try to help you pinpoint where the problem lies:

    • To confirm, does this problem happen all the time now or just at specific times or on specific days?
    • Can you go to Speedtest.net and do a test there? That will test your internet connection and you can share the results here so I can take a look at them.
    • Finally, please use the ping command (using the instructions below) to ping the slow sites and share the results with me.

    To ping the slow sites:

    1. In Windows, open a command prompt window (in most versions of Windows you can do this by searching for “command prompt” or “cmd”)
    2. In the command prompt window, type in this command and then hit enter: ping -n 100 crossfitgush.com
    3. Wait for the process in the command prompt window to stop. If you need to stop the process early, you can use Control+C to stop it and get the results right away.
    4. When it stops, copy the results at the end and paste them in your reply here. The results will look something like this:

      100 packets transmitted, 100 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
      round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 13.996/19.516/258.960/24.562 ms

    5. Repeat the same process with the commands “ping -n 100 wordpress.com” and “ping -n 100 s1.wp.com” and share those results.

    Please let me know if you have any questions!

  • the speedtest result:

    the result of the ping command for crossfitgush.com:
    Packets: sent = 100, received = 99, Lost = 1 (1% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 73ms, Maximum = 143ms, Average = 75ms

    the result for wordpress.com was:
    Packets: Sent = 100, Received = 0, Lost = 100 (100% loss)

    The results for s1.wp.com was:
    Packets: sent = 100, received = 98, Lost = 2 (2% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 73ms, Maximum = 81ms, Average = 74ms

    Got in touch with my internet provider and claims everything ok on his end

  • Thanks. What is your internet provider? I can check to see if we have had any other reports of trouble connecting to WordPress.com using that provider.

    There’s definitely a problem with your connection to WordPress.com, so the following steps will help determine where the problem lies:

    1. Please follow the steps at this link to get the HTTP Headers from your browser:

    Advanced Browser Troubleshooting

    Those instructions say to go to your WordPress.com blog, but please try it while going to https://wordpress.com/ since that’s the page that doesn’t load for you at all.

    2. Please follow the steps at this link to run a traceroute to wordpress.com:

    Advanced Browser Troubleshooting

    That will help me figure out what’s causing the connection problem between your computer and WordPress.com. Please let me know if you have any questions!

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