Expound: How link a featured post from Home page to an external link?

  • I have been unable to find a solution to stop a featured home page post from automatically going to a single post page.

    My site is https://theheatguyservice.wordpress.com/. I have the CSS upgrade.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, that cannot be done with CSS.

  • Is there another way to link from the home page to an external link?

    Will other posts below the 5 featured posts allow me to link to an external link? I have not tried that as I thoguht I was missing how to change this sometimes.

    I assume I can add a widget with links – sounds like I may have to work with that.

  • The only two suggestions I have is to use a Text Widget to put it into the sidebar.

    Text Widget
    Text Widget Links
    Linking Images

    Or perhaps add it as a Custom Link to your menu. We could style that particular link differently (perhaps with a different colored background and different text color.

    If you put it into a text widget, we could move that up into the right header area although we would have to limit that move to screens 600px and wider as there would probably not be enough room for it and your header image/logo.

  • Thank you, thesacredpath! Those are all great ideas!

    Putting a text widget in the header could work. I made my header logo the size of the logo near the left margin so it would not need to adjust for different devices. I was thinking maybe something separate in the right header area might adjust to the bottom which could be OK. Don’t know if that would work. I’ll try it tomorrow and let you know how it’s going. I work during the day here, so I’ll work with your ideas when I get home and let you know how it’s going. I’m sure I’ll need some help.

    I also like your Custom Link idea to the menu.

    Thank you! I’ll get a good night’s sleep now.

  • Let me know if you wish to move a text widget up to the header. Add it to the widget area and let me know.

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