Export statistics?

  • Hello,
    I am in the process of changing the name and URL of my blog. I have managed to create a new blog with a new URL. I have also managed to export the posts and other info (everything that came with the full export) and import this to my new site, and after that make some adjustments in order for the site to look the same as the old one. So far so good! Now to my question: The statistics from the old site has not been moved to my new site. Is there anyway I can export/import the statistics to my new site?
    Hoping for some clarifications :)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • We can move those for you.

    What is the old site?
    What is the new site?


  • That would be great thank you!

    My old site is: attlevagiftfritt.wordpress.com
    My new site is: toxfritt.wordpress.com

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