Explorer Plan: Can’t access live chat.

  • Greetings, helpful people. I’m updating my thirdeve.com and running into problems. I’m on the Explorer plan and Live Chat is included with the plan. Happiness engineers have been quite helpful in the past. I’ve attached an image stating that live chat is included with my plan.

    Unfortunately, I’ve not been able to access Live Chat, and the “Email: An expert will get back to you soon” button has bounced my email. My registered email address is correct, and my main site email address. In the meantime, I also have notice from Google that my site ownership verification failed. I need help figuring out these problems, and want a discussion about how upgrading to the Creator plan might help.

    My list of six questions is before me, and I’d really like to run through them in a chat … but there is no chat and hasn’t been for 10 days now. Can someone help me understand what the problem with chat is, or how I can get timely answers to my questions?

    I know it’s asking a lot for $8 a month, but if it helps I’ve had four WP domains since the 2000s now, so I am, if nothing else, loyal.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, I see you mentioned this in the other thread and it looks like you were able to send us an email. We’ll be able to add updates to the other thread as they happen.

  • They apparently only support us with live chat on weekdays… I guess they’ve buried this in their stuff, pretty sure that’s an advertising law violation, but ya know, whatever right @Wordpress?

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