Explore Topics in Reader problems

  • I released a post to my blog (http://thelifeofjwo.wordpress.com/2012/05/04/savannahs-busy-day-in-her-dreams/) over 20 minutes ago but have only seen it ONCE in the new “Explore Topics in Reader” format and that was in the “Blogs I follow” tab.

    Why is that?

    But I don’t see my blog under the Humor tab? Is it there?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Another vote here for the the same problem. I don’t like the new reader format at all – looks and acts more like Twitter than WordPress. How do we access the old format?

  • Don’t care for the new reader format either. Explore Topics seems to only take me to the people I follow. And I already know what they’re posting. Find I get tired of looking at the format quicker, have received fewer comments and/or likes than usual. Is there a way to access the old format?

  • I want the old format too! It was much more better.

  • Right now I’m feeling extremely frustrated!!! Is there NO tech support for WP??? I mean, seriously…. I have to go out on the web searching for other complaints and just post mine along side?? This is f’n ridiculous and unfair. How does one get help or resolution???
    When and why did the original format even change? I can’t read any blogs other than Freshly Pressed. My Reader shows NOTHING, I try to search by topic and … NOTHING.
    Do I need to ditch WP and go elsewhere? You trying to tell me the only way I can have a functioning blog that comes WITH at least a LITTLE assistance is to upgrade and pay?? Not ALL of us are technically savvy……. what about the rest of us???
    WP – you guys SUCK!!!

  • How do we access the old format?…it was much much better….

  • I hate the new Topics format! It took me 2 minutes to load and that is a long time when surfing. Plus my post never showed up in any of the topics that it was in. Why is that? How do you choose what posts to show? I like wordpress because of that reason, you used to put every post up in the topic and I was getting traffic from that. Today, my post has been up for 2 hours without one hit. Why would you change something that works?

  • I agree–the new topics format is terrible. My blog post also never showed up (that I could find), and I had far fewer hits than I usually do after I post. I’m afraid that I won’t get any new readers this way. I really relied on it showing up under the appropriate topics because I am a new-ish blogger without too many followers. Plus, I found it hard to browse for posts from bloggers I haven’t read before.

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