expand the max width

  • Once you get quite large it stops expanding and a black background sets in. only effects laptops 15″+

    So, I think this solves that problem:

    But I also think it will really really help to look at screenshots in your case because I’m not always understanding what you’re referring to. :)

    Can you take a look at this?

    could you answer my other qs?

    Those should get sorted out by other happiness engineers. Looks like almost everything has already been answered too.

  • Ah, I see! Thanks for the screenshot. :)

    The problem is the dimensions of the image combined with the “background-size: contain” rule. The “contain” keyword specifies that the background image should be scaled to be as large as possible while ensuring both its dimensions are less than or equal to the corresponding dimensions of the background positioning area.

    If you want to have a consistent height for a background image, you should not use “contain.”

    You might try “background-size: cover;” instead, but there may still be cases where the image gets clipped.

  • ok i used cover- its now clipping the bottom at a large size-


    is there a way in the display posts shortcode to show categories? can’t find anything in here: http://en.support.wordpress.com/display-posts-shortcode/

    on my homepage I want to show: thumbnail, categories, title, excerpt for each post

  • on the home page in the content area where the thumbnails and excerpts are displayed is there a way to add a
    between the title and excerpt? and is there a way to have the excerpt fill the inline-block instead of being a set number of characters? and I would like to show the number of categories as well

  • *add a break between the title and excerpt?

  • There’s no perfect solution for using background-size. Each one will come with some clipping. If you want no clipping, then you would need to use something else, such as the background solution I posted earlier. It seems like you’re trying to crop and constrain a background image into a space to work with multiple dimensions in multiple different browser widths with no clipping and I don’t think that’s really possible.

    is there a way in the display posts shortcode to show categories? can’t find anything in here: http://en.support.wordpress.com/display-posts-shortcode/

    There isn’t a way I know of to show categories in the display posts shortcode.

    on the home page in the content area where the thumbnails and excerpts are displayed is there a way to add a add a break between the title and excerpt?

    You might like this article:

    If you follow the instructions in that guide, you should be able to find the selector for the element you want to adjust. Here is an example:

    If you copy that entire rule from inside your browser, starting with @meda and ending with two “}” characters, then you should be able to adjust the 120px value to change the height for the spacing between the between the title and excerpt. However, keep in mind that the designer set that height for a reason. Looking at the design, I bet it was to adjust the height to accommodate long titles when present. If you want to test that, you should add a post with a long title or adjust one of the titles there currently as a test and make sure any CSS you add works with longer titles if there’s a possibility you’ll be adding longer titles later.

    and is there a way to have the excerpt fill the inline-block instead of being a set number of characters? and I would like to show the number of categories as well

    I’m sorry but neither of those things are possible with CSS only. The Custom Design upgrade at WordPress.com is for adding CSS. Using CSS, you can adjust elements that already appear on the page, but you cannot add or change dynamic content unless you have access to change the theme’s PHP code, and that is not an option here at WordPress.com. I’m sorry for the inconvenience!

  • on the home page in the content area where the thumbnails and excerpts are displayed is there a way to add a add a break between the title and excerpt?

    I’ve inspected the element, but I’m referring to the display posts shortcode in the content area- i want to put a gap between “Classical & Dance Music Fusion Is Happening: Throwing Snow Releases New Track, “Caedis” ” and its content. Cannot find a way to do that while inspecting the element since the css designing that is the display posts shortcode in the page

  • Hi, see if the following does what you want. I’ve limited this change to the main home page only.

    .home .display-posts-listing li {
        display: inline-block;
        text-align: justify;
    .home .display-posts-listing .excerpt {
        display: block;
        margin-top: 10px;
    .home .excerpt-dash {
        display: none;
  • works great! there’s not by any chance a way to display the categories using css is there? Can’t find a way with the display posts shortcode

  • There isn’t a way to add dynamic content using CSS where it doesn’t already exist on the page. Sorry!

  • I’ve inspected the element, but I’m referring to the display posts shortcode in the content area- i want to put a gap between “Classical & Dance Music Fusion Is Happening: Throwing Snow Releases New Track, “Caedis” ” and its content. Cannot find a way to do that while inspecting the element since the css designing that is the display posts shortcode in the page

    I’ve made a short screencast about this in case it helps!

    Note: you would want to take the “:nth-child(2)” part out if you used the example from the video.

    It’s pretty fun stuff once you get going. :D Your site looks fantastic!

  • It has been quite a while since this thread was active, so I am going to mark it as resolved. If you have further questions or problems, please feel free to start a new thread.


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