Expand on Click

  • I have the same issue (again).

    WordPress Support told me (earlier today) that I only need to select the Expand on Click option in the image block’s settings sidebar – but there is no such option. There was, but it’s not there now.

  • Yes, it has gone again. Unfortunately, no-one seems to be listening…..

  • Ditto. The option has disappeared. I just sent them an email asking them to take a look at the forum again as we are all having the same issue + the actual option having disappeared. I think maybe they just marked the issue as resolved so didn’t think to keep looking into it again.

    I hope we hear back from them soon

  • The issue has been resolved in my blogs (but without any acknowledgement from WordPress that there ever was a problem). The expand on click option has moved, seemingly, to the links settings for the image.

  • I am currently editing a post as we speak, and still on my end nothing is there. I checked all the settings I could think of and I don’t see it. Also, looking at my posts, for now the magnifier is there but the option doesn’t work when you click on it.

    I am glad it works for you, though. I think it means that is slowly rolling out/updating across the system. So I hope we all get it sorted soon.

  • I spotted that the ‘expand on click’ option is now selected from the image’s links dropdown yesterday, before the problem had been resolved (ie user interface had been updated, but the feature didn’t work). The magnifier was there, but non-functional. You might like to check, again (see screenshot, below), to see whether you have the same option in the same place as me.

  • Oh, I see. I was still looking at the sidebar options for it. I can see that option now is also on my posts. Truly appreciate your help with this.

    I think it is also a very stupid place to put it, imo. It was fine where it was before.

    But I just tried it on one of my post and still doesn’t work. The expand on click option is there, but doesn’t seem to work on posts when I click on them.

  • I’ve no idea why it changed. Whether it works seems to be dependent on the theme being used: I know that ‘Twenty Twenty-Four’ & ‘Dyad 2’ work – but there are so many.

  • Thanks for the update Clive, it wasn’t a place I would have looked, but it works on Twenty-Eleven theme.

  • I tried to sign up to post my website, BehaviorSelf, and there is a penalty charge. My site has been down for several years,. I have no idea what this is for or if it’s legit. It is extremely difficult to get service from this WordPress service, it looks like you aren’t interested in interacting with your clients, you have your say but you don’t want to hear mine. Please email me, [redacted] with an email address that I can reply to, not a do not reply email, or call at [redacted]. Thank you.

    All efforts have failed to reach any way to hear from WrodPress on this issue. To your potential and recent clients, it looks like all you are interested in is getting our fees and staying out of reach as far as possible.

  • You are posting in the wrong forum.

    On top of that, you already posted in here https://wordpress.com/forums/topic/chargeback-fine-6/ and have been in touch with them via Live Chat as well. They have replied to you and there is a ticket open.

    Your issues and ours are completely separate. Please don’t mix them.

    I hope you realize that all your comments are open, as are ours.

  • @k9personaltrainer please follow up in your other thread if you have more questions.

    Since these are public forums, I’ve also flagged staff to remove your personal information from your post here.

  • @k9personaltrainer

    Redacted personal information. Thank you!

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