Exceeding upload limit.. with 0 images in media library

  • Hi all!

    I am new to WordPress, and am in the process of writing my first post. I have tried to upload about 7 images to my media library ( all about 100- 250 kb each) – however I cannot upload any of them because I keep getting an error message saying my upload limit has been exceeded!

    I cannot upload my photos and publish my first post as a result- any thoughts/ suggestions much appreciated!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • That’s very strange. Let’s cover all the bases first and then if required you can tag this thread for Staff help.

    Make sure you are running a browser and version of it found here http://browsehappy.com or upgrade please.

    See the accepted file types here please:

    For uploading images posts and pages see here http://en.support.wordpress.com/images/adding-images-to-posts-or-pages/

    Here are more details about the options for uploading images http://wpbtips.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/images-the-three-link-options/

    For troubleshooting images see here > http://en.support.wordpress.com/images/troubleshooting-images/

    If you are not successful then please let us know:
    (a) Exactly what kind of device you are using to connect to the internet and to WordPress.com.

    (b) Exactly which browser (and version of it) you’re using by checking here if necessary http://supportdetails.com/

    (c) Exactly what you experience including what any error reports you receive state. Note that you can use http://snag.gy/ to share screenshots and link to them here.

    Then type modlook into the sidebar tags on this thread for Staff help. And, subscribe to it so you are notified when they respond. To subscribe look in the sidebar of this thread, find the subscribe to topics link and click it.

  • Hi Timetheif thanks for the quick reply!

    Checked my browser, all up to date – I am currently on a Macbook Pro so I am pretty confident its not the device i’m using, similarly I have looked through the tutorials and don’t think the issue is with me uploading images incorrectly? (as i can’t even get to that stage)

    See screenshot of the error message – have added modlook to tags, hopefully they can take a look :)

  • Hi there! Sorry about that! We’ve got an intermittent bug with brand new blogs where our maths go wonky and decide that you’ve got 16 million terabytes of media uploaded! Our developers thought they had it squashed, but apparently not.

    They’re working on it again, but in the meantime I’ve reset your sites data usage so you should be able to upload again:


    Let me know if I can help with anything else!

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