Every page or resource REQUEST is being recorded in debug.log

  • In one of my sites, but not in the other, all REQUESTS are being recorded in debug.log. Here is an example:

    [18-Apr-2018 11:30:00 UTC]
    REQUEST: /?page_id=4

    How do I stop this? I am using WordPress 4.9.5 and Twenty Sixteen plus Autoptimize 2.3.4, W3 Total Cache 0.9.6 and various other plugins, but the problem continues with Autoptimize and W3 Total Cache both disabled. I have compared settings between my two sites and have looked at the options table for both sites, but cannot spot anything.

    Any help would be much appreciated – I would like to resolve the problem rather than just turning off debug logging.

    Many thanks, Anthony

  • Hey abutlwer,

    Please mention the link to your website.

    You sound to use the self-hosted WordPress version.

    We’re only able to help with the WordPress.com websites. Please submit your query to WordPress.org forums.


    And also read the difference between these two platforms. https://en.support.wordpress.com/com-vs-org/

  • Many thanks for your prompt response and helpful redirection. Yes I host elsewhere! Regards, Anthony

  • Many thanks for your prompt reply and helpful redirection. Yes, I am hosted elsewhere. Regards, Anthony

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