Every page has an EXTRA over-sized image blocking half my screen

  • Hello Happiness Engineer,
    Sorry to say that I am unhappy with my current WordPress.com free website. I’ve edited 5 pages and they look great until I publish, then I see an EXTRA oversized image on the top section of every page, blocking 1/2 of the screen.

    1. On my Laptop; there is a static section at the top which blocks half the screen, then the extra-large duplicate image (which I did not create).
    It’s impossible to navigate the website in this state.
    2. IPHONE; large duplicate, unnecessary image (which I did not create) on every page
    3. I-PAD PRO; ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

    I am trying to build the website using an I-PAD PRO (with latest IOS 17..) and the latest JetPack APP.

    I tried researching this issue, with no success.
    Please help.

    WP.com: Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • please cancel this topic. I fixed it in the customization option. Disabled the feature photos option .

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