Eventbrite Multi theme loosing connections

  • Eventbrite multi theme losing connections and not displaying events. This started yesterday and top day all 7 of my sites are failing. I went through each site and reconnected to Eventbrite and saved settings. Works for a little while then looses connection. Strangely enough the Calendar template loads even when Events list page fails. Help!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Really need help with this issue. WP Multi theme continually loosing connection to EB API. Spoke with Eventbrite on the phone and they can’t find any API issues.

  • Hi there – Oh no! I looked at your primary site, and all the events are currently displaying. Are you still seeing this on that site? If so, can you please link me directly to a couple of sites and provide some details about exactly what’s missing (link me to the associated page on EventBrite).

    I took a look at one of your other sites, and there were no events. But I noticed that there’s no page template option currently displaying in the Dashboard, so you can’t pick the Events page, for instance. I’ve opened a bug report for this issue and will let you know as soon as I have more information about it.

  • Hi Eurello,

    My problems started last Friday on all 7 of the sites hosted using the Eventbrite Multi Event Theme. The sites have all been up and running and working fine until then. Eventbrite links were connected via the Theme Options panels and templates were set up and working properly.

    Last Thursday all my WP hosted sites started running slowly and I noticed that if it took to much time to load the events timed out and showed no events. Sometimes if I waited and refreshed the page the events would show up.

    On Friday all my sites were showing either no events or the generic “Home Page” meaning the Eventbrite link was broken and the template was not working as set up.

    I reconnected the Eventbrite link to all my sites and saved the Theme Option page to lock in the link. This would work for a while and then lose the link again. I reset all the blogs multiple times to no avail.

    Today it seems that the main site (samysphotoschool.com) is working and hasn’t lost it’s link but the sub sites have all broken again.

    A few minutes ago I went into the Theme Option dashboard page for LA.SamysPhotoSchool.com and found the Eventbrite link broken. I reconnected the link and saved the setting but no events are showing on the dashboard Theme Options page. They show if I pull down another location but not from the Los Angeles location pull down menu. They also do not show on the end user blog template page.

    I just selected the Pasadena location (pas.samysphotoschool.com) and the link to Eventbrite is broken and the generic “home” template is showing,.

    This is really frustrating especially since all of my sites have been working since the themes were launched. I called Eventbrite (which I couldn’t do for WordPress.com) and they created a ticket and double checked the API is working for me. My site and sub sites work fine directly on the EB pages: http://www.eventbrite.com/o/samys-photo-school-2590696816.

    As a work around I put up a Technical difficulties sidebar post using the Eventbrite Introduction widget because it allows a link to be displayed with text.

    I also changed the Locations widget on the main SamysPhotoSchool.com dashboard to reflect direct linking to the Eventbrite organizer page for each location (bypassing the WP blog). I just checked that widget and it has also reverted back to the old links and did not save my changes from one day to the next.

    Something is seriously wrong with my hosted blogs on WordPress.com. BTW I just checked the broken LA.SamysPhotoSchool.com again and it was randomly working even though the back end told me it there were no events to display a few minutes ago. This isn’t a straight cache issue either because I was working from Home on Friday and we have had dozens of phone calls from customers all over Southern California.

  • Hi there, I’m sorry for all the trouble. While I was in the process of troubleshooting, I visited the options page for your LA site. Everything appeared to be set up correctly, and I could see the account connection. I re-saved the options, and now I see events on your front page for that site, as well as for your other sites. Can you confirm that the events are showing up for you as well? I’m still trying to pinpoint the cause, because I know you said earlier that sometimes the events work for a time before disappearing again.

  • SamysPhotoSchool.com seems to be working. It did take over 10 seconds to load and at first displayed the no events found message but then it loaded the list of events. This seems to support my original premise that slow response times mess with the API link. Maybe the WP server hosting my sites is acting up.

    The following sites (which have continuously been reset) show the generic “Home” page as if the API link was never connected and the template not chosen. These sites are pas.samysphotoschool.com, sa.samysphotoschool.com, cc.samysphotoschool.com.

    My two other sites are showing “No Events Found” which means they have kept the API link and template but somehow lost the list of events. These two pages are sb.samysphotoschool.com and sf.samysphotoschool.com.

    That’s how things are working as of 11:14AM PST at my location in Los Angeles. This still doesn’t explain things like the Links menu widget not retaining it’s saved changes but there are so many weird things going on that I think it’s secondary unless it’s showing that my servers are reseting to previous versions of my sites for some reason.

  • Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?
    Sorry, I couldn’t help myself with the Farris Bueller quote. Have to keep a sense of humor since all of my WP hosted websites are messed up.

    Any help yet?

  • Hi there, we will continue to investigate. I’ll let you know as soon as I have some more information.

    Just to be clear — you did not make any changes to your Eventbrite account before the trouble started?

    Thank you for your patience as we work to get to the bottom of this.

  • Thanks for responding.

    No changes were made prior to the problems starting. Everything had been working correctly from day one of using the templates.

    I haven’t reset the Eventbrite API links to the sub sites yet because I wanted everything to be consistent for your trouble shooting but I need to try and get the sites working again. My stop gap measure of putting the technical difficulties notice at the top of the side bar doesn’t work for customers who bookmarked the calendar page since there’s no sidebar.

  • Today the calendar page isn’t loading any events on Samysphotoschool.com site even though the events are showing up on the home page as directed. It also takes over 10 seconds to load from our location on a high speed line which seems too slow.

    I need customers to find their classes so I’m going to redirect samysphotoschool.com to our eventbrite page instead of the blog until this issue is resolved. Please don’t stop trying to figure out the problem because it need to be addressed so I can get back on track.

  • Is a temporary redirect a bad idea? Please advise.

  • I’m not sure anyone is listening at this point but I’m still having this issue and it wasn’t resolved.

    Today I disconnected the eventbrite api and removed all sidebar widgets. I also removed the Calendar page (fed by EB API) and the Events Page (also fed by EB API). My page now loads instantaneously instead of the 13-15 seconds it took using the Eventbrite widgets and template pages.

    I added Twitter widget back in with no hit on the performance so I tried reconnecting the Eventbrite API and using the Calendar/Events sidebar widget without the template pages. Back to 13-15 seconds and the events not loading.

  • Hi there – I’m so sorry that we didn’t get back to you on this! I’m checking with the developer who is looking into this. Unfortunately, since it’s the holidays, response times might be a little slower, but I will keep you updated on what’s going on.

  • Hi there – I am still trying to reproduce the issue you are experiencing. I set up seven sites with the same EventBrite connection (since I’m wondering if the issue is due to connecting multiple sites) and everything is working properly so far, but I know you said the interruption is sporadic so I’ll keep checking it out.

    In the meantime, it would be helpful if you could put everything back on your sites as it should be and if the connection fails again, reply here and let us take a look before you fix it. Thanks for your patience as we look into this!

  • I just reconnected the Eventbrite API and on the dashboard page for Theme Options it is showing as connected with “No Events Found” for SamysPhotoSchoo.com. I will leave this connected but I can’t put a live page up that doesn’t work until we get this first step working.

    One note, this all started happening on Dec 12th. I think I saw on the WP forums that the new version of WP was released on the 12th. Was my hosted site updated that day as well?

  • The merge was earlier than that, but I found out there was a change made to your theme around the time you started experiencing these problems that might have caused it, but should be resolved now.

    I see events on your Theme Options page where you’re connected. Can you please try putting everything back to how it was now? If it’s not working, you’ll need to leave it for a bit so that I can show the developer that’s working on it that it isn’t working (since we’re not able to reproduce the same problem), but I promise I’ll get with him on it as quickly as I can. :)

  • I tried reconnecting to Eventbrite and adding a Calendar page for debugging but it was showing 0 events. This is our busiest time of year and I can’t have people thinking there are no classes so under the same account I set up a test blog: https://samysedutest.wordpress.com

    It uses the standard pages: Calendar, Events List and Featured Events List. It took connecting to Eventbrite 2-3 times to get the events to show up and the page saved. Once that happened I went to the site and am getting the “No Events” message. I am also getting the really slow load times which I think are causing the EB API to drop the connection.

    Several things might be different with my sites than others linked to Eventbrite. I have hundreds of events loaded which is probably more than most Eventbrite users. We also use coupon codes for our free with purchase classes so there are thousands of codes loaded for those events. If the API is trying to parse out all the information it could be choking on promotional codes.

    None of this was an issue for the first month or so but it is definitely still broken. The status of the test site at this moment is:

    Eventbrite API Key linked
    Template up and running
    Event Pages created
    No events showing up on either of the Events Lists or Calendar

  • Thanks so much. I didn’t see them either, but after I asked a developer to take a look they were suddenly all showing up.

    We’re contacting EventBrite about this to put our heads together, and I’ll let you know when I have more info.

  • Any news? It’s been 15 days since I’ve heard from you.

  • Hi @samysphotoschool – I heard back from EventBrite just now. They think they’ve identified what’s causing this and are looking into a fix for it. I’ll be in touch as soon as I hear from them about the fix.

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