Eventbrite app showing hidden prices and displaying wrong currency

  • The new Eventbrite app to show list/calendar event displays prices in dollars (I’m in the UK) and displays information from price bands you have “hidden” on Eventbrite. Also doesn’t allow you to define the display users see (I’m only interested in the Calendar view). Any chance of fixing those? Would love to use it but can’t yet as it’s displaying out-of-date prices in the wrong currency and isn’t customisable enough.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’ll tag this thread for a Staff response. Please subscribe to the thread so you are notified when they respond and please be patient while waiting.

  • Hi there,

    Thanks for letting us know about these issues! I was able to reproduce both problems with the ticket prices (incorrect currency and hidden ticket prices being displayed) — I reported it to our team so they can take a look. Thanks for your patience while we look into this for you!

  • Thanks for responses, any progress? (tried it again today and still the same…). Many thanks

  • Hi there,

    Our team is looking into this issue, but we don’t have a timeline yet for when it will be fixed. Please stay tuned while we work on it! :)

  • Both of these issues have been fixed – apologies for the long delay! And thanks for reporting them.

  • The topic ‘Eventbrite app showing hidden prices and displaying wrong currency’ is closed to new replies.