Error message when clicking plugins in the plugin catalog

  • Has this happened to anyone else?

    Every now and then when I visit the plugin catalog the strangest thing happens. I get an “Oops! We can’t find this plugin! The plugin you’re looking for doesn’t exist.” message on the page the plugin description is supposed to be. But this only happens on specific plugins — only (and all) the ones that are labeled ‘free’. All the paid plugin pages open up just fine.

    I only have the one device but I’ve tried other browsers and I get the same error in each browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox). Refreshing the page doesn’t help. Clearing the cache or restarting my computer also doesn’t help. The error eventually resolves itself but it can take hours sometimes.

    I’m more curious than anything else. Why would only the ‘free’ plugins be affected and not the paid ones?

  • This just began happening to me!! What the heck??? Did you find a fix? It’s extremely frustrating!

  • I never found a fix. It’s happened to me a few times but it always eventually resolves itself. It’s the strangest thing and for the life of me I can’t figure out why it would only affect the free plugins. Good luck.

  • …and it’s happening again. And again just the free plugins.

  • Hi @jangawolof – can you share the URL of the site you’re experiencing this issue with? It’s possible the site isn’t hosted here, but let’s get that back from you to be sure.

    If your site is not hosted with, you’ll want to bring this up in the community support forums for fixing issues. If you don’t find the help you need there, and are curious about the idea of hosting your WordPress site with us, let us know and we can chat a bit more about that when the time is right.

  • Hi @deancroyal – I have the exact same issue with free plug-ins, even though yesterday it was still working fine. Also, my site is hosted on Is there any way to fix this?

  • Hi @rebschuh – Your situation might be a little different than the original topic. I’ve dropped you a follow up email so we can help. Get back to us there when you get some time please. :)

  • My site is hosted here ( The issue comes and goes and is only a minor inconvenience that doesn’t happen all the time. I just checked it previously to replying and it’s not doing it at the moment.

    And @rebschuh’s situation sounds exactly like what I described.

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