"Error Accessing Dashboard"

  • From my dashboard I select “Appearance” >> “theme options”. This gives me a page that says:

    Error Accessing Dashboard

    You are logged in as “motre” and do not not have the necessary privileges to access the dashboard for “Middle of the Road Extremist”. Please ask an administrator of the site to invite you.

    If you reached this screen by accident and meant to visit one your own sites, here are some shortcuts to help you find your way.

    Your Sites

    Middle of the Road Extremist Visit Dashboard | View Site

    That doesn’t make much sense because my user is correct and that is the blog it connected with. The links do go to my dashboard and visit my site, so it isn’t a case of some info got messed up. Anyone know what’s wrong with this? I changed theme to “Twenty Ten” and want to set the background via the background selector, and this seemed the best link to get there.

    It happens each time, so it’s not a one time thing. I cam make an image capture if someone wants to see the gory pixels.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I figured out my error. I had not refreshed the dashboard page itself, after having changed the theme (I only refreshed my view of my own blog). Changing the theme changes some menu options in the dashboard. So what happened was I was using a menu option that was no longer in effect (a “missing class” in programmer terms). Some server side code operation in relation to the theme failed, and it trapped it can gave an error message.

    I also found I was using the wrong term to look for what I wanted. I was thinking “background”. But it was “header” I should have been looking for. I finally found it and got the >> header << image changed as I wanted it (a cute choice to match the blog name).

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