Entire website is displaying on the home page

  • I am working to update our booster club’s website and cannot figure out why the entire website is displaying on the home page. I’ve gone through many articles about the various places to set which page displays on our homepage, and they’re all set to home. And in the pages editor area, none of the subpages are set to home.

    The website is buildlincolnhigher.com.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there @buildlincolnhigher, you’re using an older theme with a “panel page” configuration. At setup, you’d picked two pages to display on sections of the front page. And it looks like you deleted one of those chosen pages, so your theme got confused and showed all of them.

    I’ve fixed it for now by removing the second section. You may want to head to Customize > Theme Options > Front Page Settings, and pick a second section, then just be mindful to change that setting if you decide to delete that page. Cheers!

  • Thank you so very much! I’m a few rounds removed from the folks on the board who started the website. I had no idea how to fix it.

    I have another question about the contact form, and the email addresses each category is directed toward. Can I ask that in this thread, or should I begin a new one?

  • Hey there,

    Happy to help you with this.

    I have another question about the contact form, and the email addresses each category is directed toward. Can I ask that in this thread, or should I begin a new one?

    Feel free to ask! :) How can help?

  • I think I’ve figured it out. The contact form has a drop down menu, and initially I thought each option went to a different email, but have figured out they’re just the subject line options. They all go to the same email address.

    Thank you all so much for your help.

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