Endless Redirection on Admin Pages

  • I’m getting endlessly redirected when trying to access the admin pages of my blog. Firefox eventually gives up with this message:

    The page isn’t redirecting properly

    Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

    * This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.

    [Try Again]

    Any ideas?

  • Never mind. Solved it. I reset all my wordpress.com cookies and tried logging in again. Turns out my password didn’t get reset for the admin pages. But, that same new password did work for these forums. Go figure.

  • This doesn’t work for me. I’ve read several threads on this issue, and clearing cookies & my cache does nothing. I still get “The page isn’t redirecting properly”. I’ve tried in both Firefox and Safari.

    I want to get my WordPress API Key to prevent spam. I’ve actually been trying to login for months and this problem never goes away.

    Anyone else have any ideas? :(.

  • Send in a feedback.

  • I’ve actually been trying to login for months and this problem never goes away.

    You haven’t been able to log in to your site here at WordPress for months??

  • The slowdrive profile says member since May 3, 2006 (2 months.)

  • Slowdrive, you should get your API key in the email if you’ve just signed up for just the username.

    If you still haven’t gotten this email, I would suggest contacting support at this domain. They’re usually pretty good about the API requests.

    hope this helps,

  • I have yet to be able to log into my weblog due to this problem. All I have been able to do so far is sign up, and the sign-up process seemed to have aborted before it was complete.

    I have tried both IE and Firefox. I removed the cookie for WordPress and it did not help. Any more ideas? Is it possible that my account never set up properly?


  • @technigirl
    Did you get a welcoming email? If so locate it and email in your problem. If not send a new email to support@wordpress.com and report your situation. Staff will take it from there as according to your profile here you have been a member since August 6 (2 days).

  • Thank you. I did get a welcoming email, and whenever I try to activate my blog, I get a “blog already exists” error. That is the part of the set-up that seems to have failed from the start.

    I sent an email to support as you suggested. Thank you!

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