Embedding YouTube Videos

  • I’m having problems trying to embed a YouTube video. It’s easy enough if I use the YouTube or Embed blocks but those do not provide the results I’m looking for. When I embed like that the video contains controls which I don’t want…or think that I may not want. I’ll have to see what it looks like.

    YouTube has the function of providing iFrame embedding code where I can select to exclude video controls. I used that feature on YouTube to produce the code below but I’ve changed the last bit of it to the word “sample” in order to keep the video anonymous:


    I have not been able to get this code to work, however, no matter how I copy it to my blog. I tried putting it in an HTML block. I tried pasting it into the Code Editor.

    I do not want people to be able to share my video too easily which I why I was thinking if I had not controls it might discourage sharing outside of my blog.

    Suggestions? Comments?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Oops… the embed code above is trying to link to the video so you can’t see the code.. I don’t know how to show all of the code without that happening.

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