Embedding x.com comments

  • Is there a way to make links to X.com embed correctly, in blog posts/user comments, as it used to with twitter.com (without manually changing the URL)? The change to the Twitter address means that they just post as links now.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I have noticed the same. If you manually edit the URL to change it from x.com/….. to twitter.com/….. then the short code works again, and the twitter redirect takes care of the rest. Hopefully WordPress will get around to fixing the short code so that you don’t have to do this though!!!

    To be clear, this:-

    [tweet https://x.com/IBMMQFan/status/1793396922109014252]

    doesn’t work, but this:-

    [tweet https://twitter.com/IBMMQFan/status/1793396922109014252]


    I came onto the forums tonight to report exactly this, but since you have already reported it, I thought I would just add my comment here.

  • @refitman from what I remember, you’re using the text only comment box on your site?

    @moraghughson are you also using the same on your site or the block-based comment box?

    Not knowing if it’s possible to add embeds or shortcodes in the text only comment box, I’ve also flagged this for Staff input, but let us know which you’re using.

  • Yes, it’s a text only box for the site I’m on. It does embed for twitter links, just not X links.

  • Hi @justjennifer,

    I don’t know what a text only comment box is. I am typing in the short code as shown in my reply above in the text of my blog posts. Does that make sense?


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