Embedding and YouTube links show in edit mode but not once published

  • Hi…

    I very recently posted (published) an article in which the YouTube videos that are featured on it are only showing up as the url address – not as embeds as they always have for me on previous posts over the years.

    During the editing phase (before posting), these YouTube links were showing as embeds, not urls (in editing mode). Even in ‘preview’ mode the YouTube videos were showing up as embeds. Once I posted and published though, the embeds don’t show up, only the addresses for the YouTube videos show.

    This hasn’t happened before, so I don’t know why this is happening now. I’ve checked all my other posts over the years and the embeds are still showing on those as they always have.

    What have I done wrong?

    During the editing phase, I was given an ’embed box’ in which to paste the url of the video, so I did that. However, I also tried it the old fashioned way by just pasting in the YouTube link without the aid of an ’embed box’, but neither has worked for this particular post.

    Incidentally, no embeds are showing on this post, it’s not just YouTube.


    I hope I’m making sense.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Not all YouTube videos can be embedded. It depends on the settings the owner set.

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