Embedded Videos in columns on Chrome (fix found !!)

  • I have reported this problem before and it is still not solved. You can read the original report here. I have done some digging into this myself, since it is a continuing annoyance. I found the following Stackoverflow question describing the same issue, which had an answer that helped.

    If I inspect one of the many posts that I have which suffer from this problem, using developer tools in Chrome, I can see the actual HTML that is generated by the WordPress youtube shortcode. If I edit the CSS (in the inspect window) that applies to iframes to add (as the answer to the SO question suggests) “transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);” to the iframe, then my video displays.

    Since I don’t have access to that HTML code and cannot make that change to my posts myself, could I please request that you add this to the code that is generated by the youtube shortcode.

    If you need a blog post to test it against, please try this one: https://mqgem.wordpress.com/2021/07/30/mqgem-monthly-2021-07/

    I hope you are able to do this and fix this bug, albeit a Chrome bug, for everyone using WordPress at least – rather than us have to wait for Chrome to fix something that they clearly are not inclined to do going by the date of the SO question!


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello Morag,

    Good to hear from you regarding this.

    I was, at first able to replicate what was being experienced there, however, upon refresh – it was resolved.

    I noticed here also, it seemed to also resolve.

    Is this intermittent for you?

  • Refresh does not help for me anyway. I think there may have been some kind of Chrome change, and then another Chrome change which removed whatever they did where it was briefly “fixed” but since I opened the more recent post (the one referenced in today’s post), I have never seen the videos when looking through Chrome again, until today when I made the change detailed using developer tools.

    It’s fine when viewed using Safari, or with Thunderbird, but not when using Chrome.

    Do you think it likely that this fix will get done?

    I have subsequently found that if I wrap the shortcode with a div with the noted transform as the style, that makes it show up too, so if they will not make this fix for all WordPress users, then I guess I will go back through all my posts with videos and do that, but it would be much better that other people don’t have to experience this problem in the first place.

  • Hmm, I checked this on my Chrome 96.0.4664.55, but all the videos on columns load correctly on my end. I browsed through your site and was not able to reproduce it. Which version of Chrome are you using?

  • Version 95.0.4638.69 (Official Build) (64-bit)

    although I have a pending update – what are the chances that this will fix it!! Back in a mo!

  • Now Version 96.0.4664.45 (Official Build) (64-bit)

    And I can see my videos! Unbelievable! The timing of this is just mind-blowing! Let’s hope it sticks this time. Although if they break it again, I will be back begging for the transform to be added :-D

  • Woohoo! I’m glad to hear it. Hopefully, any new releases will only make things better, not worse :D

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