Embedded Music Player

  • Is it possible to embed ANY music player into a blog? imeem.com? myspace music player? Anything? I’ve read and tried everything I know but it seems as though wordpress.com has blocked the ability to add objects to a post or a page. All I want is for the music I choose to start playing when someone comes to my site. It is that simple that you can even do it on blogspot. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

  • Have you done a forum search? There is currently nothing that will autoplay when you open a WordPress.com blog except a few video formats. Autoplay is popular with new bloggers, extremely unpopular with blog readers, most of whom either don’t have speakers (because they’re at work) or who are already playing the music of their choice.

  • And no, you cannot embed those other players.

    Also – please link your user name to your blog. From the sticky at the top of the forum:
    Go into your dashboard -> users -> your profile -> then scroll down to ‘contact info’. In the spot where it says ‘website’ fill in the address of your blog and save the changes.
    Now… when you comment here and on other blogs, your name will link to your blog. If you do this before you post your request for help, it will allow forum volunteers to be able to help you quicker since they won’t have to ask you for a link and wait until you come back to post one.

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