Embed Video to WordPress (youtube)

  • OK, I am very confused about this. I am pretty sure this is all old news now, but ok.

    I have been trying to post a youtube video to my post on my website, and i have been useing the ” [youtube=http://www.youtube.com…etc] but when i save, and publish it, thats what shows up on the site. is just that link, no video. just code. how the heck do i post a video on my site? you can email at (email visible only to moderators and staff) or please reply.

  • Without seeing an example, there’s little we can help you with.

    I have a feeling though that since you don’t have a link under your name and you’ve been here less than an hour, your blog is probably hosted elsewhere. These forums are for those blogs hosted here at WordPress.com, not for the version of WordPress that you download and host elsewhere. If that is so, you really need to be over there as, again, it’s a different code base.

    Having said that, I like the Wp-ExtremeVideo plugin.

    If your blog is hosted here, please provide an example.

    Hope this helps,

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