Embed Google map

  • Hello. This has been covered in previous posts and the answers were quite straightforward. However, I’ve followed all instructions and all I get is empty space. Even the example on the support page under “Here is an example of what the embedded map will look like.” is just an empty space. My browser is Safari 8.0. Decided to check it out on Firefox and under “Here is an example of what the embedded map will look like.” is exactly as stated…an example of an embedded map. So my problem seems to be Safari. Is this normal? Is there anyway around it as I can’t control which browser is used by visitors to my site. Thank.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Sheesh! Decided after 2 hours of trying I’d had enough. Started closing Safari tabs and the instant I closed Google maps, the missing maps appeared on all the open pages! So…problem solved…just close Google maps!

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