Embed Flash (again0

  • I have been searching (and searching) about how to embed a Flash movie into a PAGE as well as a POST (not sure if its even different)

    I have tried 3 different approaches so far.

    Kelima (or something)

    nothing has worked..

    Kelima one the GUI/editor doesnt even load correctly.. Black BG cant read it.. even if you get past it.. the embed does NOT work.

    Gigya does nothing (I read dont need plug-in…couldnt find a flash plug-in anyways) – didnt work.

    same with the 3rd version….attempt.

    I even tried direct embed ode in a DIV…


    1.) is it even possibly anymore? I would think so..
    2.) Is there a current or ‘supported’ plug-in for this?

    here is a quick link to one I tried to embed into a PAGE (not a post)


    seems just the text shows up..

    on the others. a FLASH ‘space’ is there.. I right click get flash menu.. but alas.. no flash movie displays.

    Thanks for any help or direction.. Im killing myself over here! =)

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