Emails go to spam folder

  • Hello! I made a brief search but could not find an answer. Please direct me if this topic was spoken before.

    We are experiencing some e-mail spam problems while using Google Workspace Non profit edition on Some of the user’s emails go to spam folders of the receivers.

    Since we are using the G-Workspace nonprofit edition we could not use WordPress’s standart Workspace function and add DNS records manually. We entered the correct MX and SPF settings in WordPress DNS records. But we could not add DKIM records because in Google Workspace Admin panel they are providing a code which is 410 characters long while in WordPress we can add only 250 characters long TXT description.

    We believe that this is the reason of some of our emails gone to spam folders.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi! We currently don’t allow records longer than that, but can you change your DKIM key to 1024-bit and use that instead?

    Here’s how to get that key:

  • Thanks so much. I will try and let you know.

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