emails from fake followers

  • Hi Lizkarkoski, I’m continuing to receive Outlook fake followers. You are now advising to see if they are caught in Spam filters and to mark them as Spam so your system can learn. Would you please provide a guide or link on how to do both of these actions, as it’s not clear to me how to do either. Latest two fake followers to escape through on one of my sites ( are:
    (email visible only to moderators and staff)
    (email visible only to moderators and staff)
    Only option I appear to have is to remove them as email followers, but I have left them there for now.
    Thanks for your help.

  • Another on my website, as above, which has got through:
    (email visible only to moderators and staff)

    I am now going back to removing them from my followers lists, as I do not know how to mark as Spam, as has been previously suggested.

    Could we please have an update on what WordPress would like us to do about these fake followers. Good that you are stopping many, but not that we still receive an email notification about them and that some are still getting through. This now appears to be a long running and widespread problem. Also that this thread has got too long to fully follow.

  • I too have spam coming in and my blog is unlisted! So annoying

    it is
    richpqrosinaar at

  • I am getting these same weird outlook address notifications of new followers too. Here is an example email address:
    (email visible only to moderators and staff)

    The blog is

    Thank you for any help you can offer.

  • Also, many of these are not getting through to the actual “email only followers” listing on the site, but the emails are appearing in my inbox notifying me that I have a new follower. I’ve deleted followers with unrecognizable / odd email addresses.

  • Hi, I’m getting these too – Chez l’abeille There is no sign of anyone in my email followers, the count on my blog is way bigger than the names I can see in admin!

  • Same for me. Website is
    Fake email adresse – I think :
    (email visible only to moderators and staff)
    (email visible only to moderators and staff)
    (email visible only to moderators and staff)
    (email visible only to moderators and staff)
    (email visible only to moderators and staff)

    This is only these last 2 days…

  • I’ve been getting emails that look fake; they’re also all from outlook. Here are some:

    on May 7, 2018:
    (email visible only to moderators and staff)

    April 30, 2018:
    (email visible only to moderators and staff)

    April 24, 2018:
    (email visible only to moderators and staff)

    Aoril 8, 2018:
    (email visible only to moderators and staff)

    April 1, 2018:
    (email visible only to moderators and staff)

  • I have read all of the comments on this first page. I admit I did not go beyond the first page. I too am getting notifications that someone is now following my blog. And as much as I am flattered, I know they’re bogus. But I wasn’t sure even from all of the comments above what my best strategy should be? Just mark them as spam and move on, or report them to or what?
    Would appreciate some direction from staff.
    Thanks a lot.

  • I’ve been getting notifications for months about fake followers and they are coming more and more frequently. I received 5 more today. Instead of this getting better, its getting worse. And I’m beginning to get concerned about what the source of them is really doing. I see others have asked, and now I am also, WordPress what are you doing about this?

  • I too am receiving more. Last few days it has been 3-4 a day across two sites.

    Occasionally one gets through to my follower lists. Latest, which I’ve just removed, to do so at is:
    (email visible only to moderators and staff)

    An update from WordPress would be appreciated, especially on action you would like us to to take.

  • Yeah, they stopped for a while, but I’m getting at least one a day now, sometimes two. Same site as before for me,

    Hopefully you guys can get this sorted out soon.

  • Hello I am experiencing this issue as well with my blog In Search of Goats ( Email addresses and dates of follow notifications as follows:
    (email visible only to moderators and staff) (5/6)
    (email visible only to moderators and staff) (5/7)
    (email visible only to moderators and staff) (5/7)
    (email visible only to moderators and staff) (5/8)
    (email visible only to moderators and staff) (5/11)
    (email visible only to moderators and staff) (5/11)
    (email visible only to moderators and staff) (5/11)
    (email visible only to moderators and staff) (5/11)
    (email visible only to moderators and staff) (5/12)

  • here’s a list of my bogus Outlook followers and the corresponding dates:

    reamescmsheawy 3/22
    weekssbethelpq 3/22
    hartwellixtonitah 3/24
    kaylortjulianba 3/25
    leporecgdianat 3/26
    ironsiddorrishs 3/26
    morrissetteoleighaj 3/30
    crumphcjeanellew 3/31
    parentpmallenex 4/2
    bilodeaulgtanekaq 4/5
    beallzshawneedq 4/5
    setzerapracquelcp 4/7
    griffineuangelitatw 4/7
    paullpxashleighjr 4/7
    grimaldojwhitleye 4/8
    schocktkrubiepo 4/8
    collumktovan 4/12
    childressevmartaw 4/16
    farrisrgitam 4/17
    hunsakerexgwynethv 4/26
    mccarterakenishaip 4/29
    ethridgelcherridy 4/29
    cochranijanettaz 5/1
    nadeauemestelaam 5/2
    durhammozaidaw 5/5
    bolickvceceliac 5/5
    eberhartycolletteq 5/7
    morellodvalenejc 5/7
    tolsonqbsaranof 5/7
    cottinghampwlucillalm 5/9
    hagantharmonyn 5/9
    denmanfaletheaxo 5/10
    cabraleshwbrandeepm 5/10
    jordanhblanchea 5/11
    pohlqwmatildez 5/12
    florezjdsarinayq 5/12
    mannsexeniam 5/12
    humphreysotlisaan 5/15

    I have just begun to receive likes from suspicious looking names like “HowToCoNetwork” and “VideoTutorialsCoNetwork.” I’ve had a few likes from other spammy-looking blogs, but I don’t want to falsely accuse anyone, so for now I won’t list those.

    My blog is

  • Did someone say to post where these bogus e-mails were coming from for WordPress’s purposes? Why are people doing it? When is WordPress going to do something to eliminate this annoyance and invasion of our privacy?

  • lizkarkoski on page 1 told people to post the spammer’s emails so they can investigate.

  • Wordpress’s lack of updates on this problem has been very disappointing. On this thread, we have been advised to do different things at different times, but no updates or further advice for some time now.

    Most of the fake followers are no longer getting through to my follower lists, but I have still been receiving 2-3 emails every day with notifications for what are fake Outlook followers on two blogs. Although none yesterday or today so far.

    One that still got through to my follower list (at on 12/5/18 is (email visible only to moderators and staff), which I have just removed.

    It appears to cause no further apparent nuisance, so, hopefully, is not a big problem, but it is annoying to continually receive these unwanted emails and you have to think there is a (bad) reason someone is causing this nuisance.

  • How can I turn off the “Follow” button or hide it temporarily while this issue is being worked on? I don’t get a lot of traffic on my blog, so it’s fine with me to turn it off for a while.

    I uninstalled Outlook from my phone because these fake email addresses were being added automatically to the Quick Share space, filling it up.

    I’ve received about a dozen or so more this week, in addition to the others I posted last week.

  • I spoke too soon as 3 further fake followers today so far on one of my blogs.

    In response to metzler, I previously tried this by just reducing the visibility of the widget used for following. It did work while hidden and first time it took a while for problem to return. Next time, I hid the follower widget, they returned as soon as I restored it.

  • Thanks, subs123. I just figured out how to hide the “Follow” button. I hope the emails stop. Eventually I’ll turn on the widget again when this issue is resolved.

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