emailed blog entry

  • I’m try to send a map/track to my blog that was created using an app on my Ipad called Everytrail. The text I am being told to send, via email to my blog should display a map, with the recorded track shown on it. Howver, everytime I try it, all I get is the text showing in my blog post, not the map etc… even if I try a direct post from my laptop.
    The text is:

    <h2>To M6 N</h2> <object width=”400″ height=”300″ codebase=””><param name=”movie” value=””/><param name=”FlashVars” value=”units=english&mode=0&key=ABQIAAAAggE6oX7o-2CFkLBRN20X9BTCaWgBOrVzmDbJc0e41WeTNzCWNBSYkdZ8D6iOk2yqQd-kgDCXfoqiUQ&tripId=1718977&startLat=53.43087712&startLon=-3.04456045&mapType=Map&”><embed src=”” quality=”high” width=”400″ height=”300″ FlashVars=”units=english&mode=0&key=ABQIAAAAggE6oX7o-2CFkLBRN20X9BTCaWgBOrVzmDbJc0e41WeTNzCWNBSYkdZ8D6iOk2yqQd-kgDCXfoqiUQ&tripId=1718977&startLat=53.43087712&startLon=-3.04456045&mapType=Map&” play=”true” quality=”high” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” pluginspage=””></embed></object>
    Find hiking trails in California and beyond

    What am I doing wrong?
    Blog url:

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Sorry, incorrect blog url – it should be:

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