Email Support Suggestion

  • Since Bluehost is one of three hosts that WordPress.ORG currently pardners with

    How about having a how do do email with those hosts as part of ?

    The adding hosted email is one of the tougher things to solve in the forum since every host sends a bit different info in a different format to the poor blogger which then needs to be converted to WordPress.COM format

    Also it seems like some of the support people at the different hosts are not real accurate with the info that is sent out – often incomplete – the back and forth can take a long time and greatly frustrates all of us –


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Thanks, I’ve added the suggestion to our list. :)

  • Thanks

    had an email issue with hosting the email at Blue Host and the back and forth was painful, not sure if they got it all fixed and it would have been very helpful to have been able to point them to a page with things all laid out – would have made my job easier

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