Email subscriptions not getting subscribed

  • Hi! I’ve started a new blog through WordPress and although I haven’t fully “launched” it, I’ve shared it with a couple friends to make sure the email subscription option works. With the first friend, it didn’t initially until we realized that it requires the subscriber to “confirm” the subscription. With the second, they entered their email on the website and then… nothing. It says “subscribed” to them, but they received no email and don’t show up in my subscriber/follow list nor did I get an email notification of their subscription like I did with the other friend. And because this friend already put in their email address in, they can’t re-enter it.

    Any idea how to fix this or what’s even going on? I don’t want to launch the blog fully and have a bunch of problems for subscribers.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    Can you let us know the URL of the site where you’re having this problem? Once we have that information, we’ll be better able to advise.

    Thank you!


  • Thanks for that! I do see your site is public, which helps.

    Does the second subscriber also have a user account with that same email address? If you can share those email addresses, they’ll be redacted to everyone but Staff and we can look up their information to see what may have happened here.


  • They do have a WordPress account with that address. The email is [redacted]

  • Hello there,

    Many thanks for that information – I’ve just run a test subscription using that address.

    Is that follower, able to confirm if any confirmation arrived in the inbox, at all. (in any spam box, promotional tabs…etc).

    Also, to note, I can see this working between user to user… so I’m wondering if there’s something amiss withe functionality here.

  • Hiya there! Yes, the follower got a confirmation email and I got notified of the new follow. So it all worked out, thank you!

    Do you know what might have gone wrong or was this just a random glitch? I’m just thinking in case this happens again.

  • Hi there,

    Glad to hear that it’s sorted out now!

    We didn’t see any issues, so to speak, which makes me think it could have been a one-off glitch. But if you get anyone else facing the same issue on your site, do let us know. We’ll dig into it further to see if we can spot anything.

  • ok, awesome, thank you all very much! I appreciate it – have a good ay

  • Hi again – the subscriber’s email is missing again. Not sure why as it was fine a couple days ago.

  • Ah, sorry to hear that @memoriesofgeographies — which email address is affected? I checked the most recent subscriber and confirmed they got an email.

  • Hi! It’s not the most recent subscriber, it’s the same one as before. The email is (email visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Thanks! I’ve checked that email address ((email visible only to moderators and staff)) again, and our record logs show that the email was delivered.

    We can see if an email delivery fails. But for (email visible only to moderators and staff), we have confirmation from Gmail that the email was delivered/received.

    The subject line for the email is [Subscribe] Confirmed subscription to posts on Memories of Geographies.

    Can you ask the email owner to check their email tabs (like Promotions, Social) as well as the Spam filter?

  • Yes, an email was delivered and received previously. Was a new one sent? I confirmed that a new one was not received, but there was the original one. This subscriber is not on my list of subscribers and that’s why I reached out again, as I assume that means they’re once again not subscribed. But if it’s more of a glitch in that it’s just not on the list then that’s a separate issue.

  • Hey there,

    Many thanks for reaching back out.

    This subscriber is not on my list of subscribers and that’s why I reached out again, as I assume that means they’re once again not subscribed.

    Does this subscriber use an email alias in their inbox? The reason why I ask is because, as above I can see the email follower was subscribed and confirmed. I don’t see that email subscriber, but I do see a similar follower in the list… so I’m wondering if there’s something happening there, that’s causing confusion.

  • When the initial confusion/issue first cropped up, they subscribed with another email, if that’s what you’re meaning. I do see that email in my list, but the other one disappeared. I was actually going to get rid of the alternate email that was done (and is still up there) but saw the other email got removed. So at this point I may as well keep that one listed at least until this is figured out.

    Does that help make sense of what’s going on?

  • So at this point I may as well keep that one listed at least until this is figured out.

    You can do! For what it’s worth, I tested now with a spare email address I use. I did not confirm my subscription to your site, but I did definitely get the email telling me to do so; I do think your subscriber was caught in a glitch but it should work with their original email address at this point.

    Would you be able to ask them to try once more to subscribe? If they’re not seeing the email to confirm it, please do also ask them to check in to see if the pending subscription is there for them!

  • Hi! Yeah, nobody else who’s tried to subscribe has had this issue whatsoever, which is good at least.

    Do you think the original email is just not showing up on my list but it’s technically on the subscriber list? I’m not sure if you can see that address on your end because I can’t on mine (obviously haha).

    I can ask them to try re-subscribing in the morning (a bit late here) but I know when this issue popped up it essentially wouldn’t let them do that because, presumably, the email address was already being processed, which is why the alternate address was used.

  • Hello again,

    Do you think the original email is just not showing up on my list but it’s technically on the subscriber list? I’m not sure if you can see that address on your end because I can’t on mine (obviously haha).

    This is most obviously the case.

    Currently, I can confirm they’re not subscribed to the site, so any new attempt would be a fresh one.

    Would you be willing to ask them to try again in the morning please?

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