email subscription

  • Hi there

    I wanted to create a text widget with the possibility of email updates via feedburner; it is supposed to display a “subcription form” in my blog. To do so, I followed the instructions in

    However, when I paste the code I get and save the widget, it gets shortened and then doesn’t open space for people to write their email addresses. I guess from what I read that wordpress cuts off some lines (those to do with “form”?) for security reasons. So how can I get the “subscription form” into my blog?

    Thanks to you all,
    Federico N.

  • You can also offer email subscriptions from a link rather than a form. Users who click it will be prompted to enter their email address in the form that appears.

    You can go to
    Feedburner > Publicize > Email Subscriptions > Bottom of page is the link option

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