Email notifications of bogus followers

  • Hi, Over the last month or so, since I changed my profile picture, I’ve received regular email notifications of new followers. Yet when I look at my followers list, none of these names are on the list, nor has the list grown accordingly. All of the supposed followers’ email addresses are with outlook.
    I’m not sure what their motivation is in doing this but is there any way such activity can be blocked? It’s filling up my inbox.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    We are fully aware of the spam follower issue from addresses that is affecting many of our users. We are steadily removing that spam from the affected accounts and I want to reassure you that there is no danger for your site, your content, or your account.

  • Great. Thanks so much.

  • is there any way such activity can be blocked? It’s filling up my inbox.

    Hi there, If you have email notifications of new followers enabled, you may wish, until this current wave of spam followers is over, to disable those notifications completely by changing your settings here: Click the arrow on the right and uncheck the box next to Site follows > Email.

    If you don’t want to disable email notices of all new followers, see if your email program will allow you to create a filter to flag notifications of outlook followers and have those messages completely skip the inbox, going directly to archive or trash.

    Hope that helps somewhat.

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