Email Notifications in Discussion Settings Not working

  • Hello,
    All of a sudden my email notifications are not working. I have both the boxes checked under Discussion settings to send emails whenever someone posts a comment to Admin. For some reason I am not getting any notifications. Recently I have upgraded PHP from 5.2 to 5.5.x, thats the only change. I have tried to test the email feature of wordpress by using the check email plugin : , and I get emails when I try using that plugin.

    Something weird, is there any bug around this ? Can some one please help ? I am using the latest WP 4.0 version.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,
    I am not sure on the exact reasons on why emails are not working on your self hosted site, but I would suggest you use a plugin such as easy smtp , to sort your issues with email. I use this plugin and it works very reliably.

    By the way,
    This forum is for support for blogs hosted on
    For help on self hosted sites please use the forums.

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