Email notifications

  • I’m receiving email notifications of new subscribers but not notifications of comments or likes. I’ve checked the boxes asking to be notified. Help, ​please.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I checked your account and see that those notifications are indeed enabled, so you are correct. I see that you have a gmail address – there are many times where emails end up in the social tab for Gmail. I would check that tab to see if the notifications are ending up there.

    Let me know if you still can’t find them. Thanks!

  • Thanks so much for your suggestion. I checked my Gmail inbox and social tab—no notifications. What should I do next?

    Thanks for your help.

  • Hi Nancy,

    Please check the Updates folder in Gmail as well, and also Spam. Also try searching Gmail directly – I see a recent Like email we sent was for the user samtsang98, so try typing that into the search field at the top of Gmail and see if that surfaces the email.

    But beyond that I’m afraid there’s not much we can do. The emails are being sent from our end, and they’re showing as successfully delivered, so if they’re missing that’s happening on Gmail’s end.

  • Dear Kokkieh:

    Thank you for your response. I found the notification about samtsang98. However, I find no emails about comments. The most recent comment I received was from (email visible only to moderators and staff) on 5/13. Did you send a notification?

    Thanks for your help.


  • Hi Nancy –

    There’s a comment published on the most recent post, from yesterday, May 13th. The name seems to line up with that email address. Double check your comment moderation settings. You might not have them set to receive a notification for approval versus the comments being automatically approved. In that second scenario you would not receive a notification via email. Instead, you’d check the comments from your dashboard.

    When I look at the site settings from
    I can see that you have the option enable to receive an email for new comments. But, those comments are automatically posted on the site. You aren’t having to approve them manually. Does this help?

    Seeing that you have an email from the most recent comment means that things are working properly.

    It will not hurt to white list notifications in your email provider. Add us to your contact list. You could also set up a filter so that all of these comment notifications go in to the same folder automatically. That will make it easier for you, as there’s no need to sift through the entire inbox.

  • Hi Liz:

    Thank you for your response. I’m sorry, I must have miscommunicated. I haven’t received any notifications of comments. I know about the comment on 5/13 because I looked at the Comment section on my dashboard. Are you saying that the only way I’ll receive an email notification is if I have to approve comments before they’re posted?

    Thanks for your help.


  • Are you saying that the only way I’ll receive an email notification is if I have to approve comments before they’re posted?

    Ah, I’m sorry we’ve misunderstood. Notifications for new comments on your site should come through WordPress itself, and through your server’s php mail program.

    Jetpack can show you push notifications on your phone and what not, but email notifications for comments on your site are generated by your site and sent by your server.

    You can make sure new comment notifications are checked here:
    www.(your domain)/wp-admin/options-discussion.php

    If that is not working, please check with your host to see whether they allow php mail to work.

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