Email notification from response form

  • Hi, I have a contact form set up. How do I set that the subject line of the email notification I receive to my account is different with each submission. For example: Subject line: Message from … (name submitted)?
    Right now I have it set up that the subject line is just: ‘message from’.. problem is that all the submissions end up in one email thread… thank you! Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Hi there, if your site is hosted here on, and you are using the default Contact form block, it’s not possible to change the subject line with each form submission.

    If you have a lot of incoming feedback, maybe you’d like to look at the Crowdsignal feedback form or one of the other form options, like Wufoo, Jotform and suchlike. More on this here:

    Hope this helps, but please post back here if you have other questions about it.

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