Email notification for followers

  • Hi, here is my question. Where can i find the settings of the email notification for the followers?
    In fact my followers receive the entire post. I want them to receive only the beginning, the first lines. Then if they want to read more they’ll have to go to the blog.

    Thank you

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there. I’m afraid you’re in the wrong forum. This support forum is for free blogs. You appear to have a self-hosted WordPress.ORG install. and are completely separate and different:

    Please visit the support forum for assistance as we won’t be able to help you here: If you don’t already have a username on that forum, click the register button in the upper right corner so you can post in that forum.

  • Hi, Where can i find the settings of the email notification for the followers?
    In fact my followers receive the entire post. I want them to receive only the beginning, the first lines. Then if they want to read more they’ll have to go to the blog.

    Thank you
    The blog I need help with is

  • @mcwart
    Hi there. You have two options: 1) under Settings ->Reading in what is now called the Classic Dashboard, look for the option: “For each article in a feed show…” Select the option that says Summary. Now, both in the Reader and in the emails readers will only see the first 55 words of your post.

    2) You can also use the Excerpt module in the post editor to create your own custom excerpt for each post. If you use that, readers will see the custom excerpt instead of the first 55 words of the post in their feeds/emails. Depending on your theme, the excerpt may also change how the post appears on your home page. More here:

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