Email & Traffic

  • Hello all, wanted to ask two questions oppose to asking them seperately
    1st one is about email: does WP offer email accounts and 2nd one is about traffic: if I want more traffic to my blog how much can i have or is there a limited amount?

    thanks for the info & suggestions in advance from

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • (1) does WP offer email accounts
    wordpress.COM does not offer email accounts per say. I believe you may be referring to a blog on a domain that’s being domain mapped by wordpress.COM and I found this in the wordpress.COM support documentation for you

    (2) f I want more traffic to my blog how much can i have or is there a limited amount?
    You can have as much traffic as you can get. There is no limitation on the number of posts or the bandwidth. If you use the forum searchbox you will find many entries on how to actively promote your blog, attract new readers to it and increase the inflow of “organic” (unpaid for) traffic.

  • thanks ok now that step 1 is done i`m having an issue with step 2 of the set up/ verify domain process:

    Step 2: Verify domain ownership. Before we can fully activate your services, you will need to verify ownership of From the control panel, you can verify by either uploading an HTML file or creating a special CNAME record. Verifying ownership does not cause any change to your existing services.

    To find more information or get in touch, visit our Help Center at Please do not reply to this email; replies are not monitored.

    The Google Apps Team

    thats what i recieved not sure if i need a certain program installed on my pc to do either or not also which of the two is faster/easier to do to verify?

  • Go to the Settings –> Domains menu from your blog’s dashboard. If you have mapped a domain, you should see a link that says Enable Google MX in the far right column

    For more info check this link

  • ok did that this is what i`m getting now(i enabled it):

    Disable Google MX
    Enter verification text:

    I dont have text to enter and ive looked for a code or something to enter there, ive checked the email after sign up there was a link with a verify button, but I dont see that page anymore. I can log inand out of my apps account with no issue to enter there

  • When you signed up for google apps, You need to select the “Upload HTML file option” as a method to verify ownership of domain. Once you select this option, you will see a verification code that starts with “google” and ends with a series of random characters. You will need to use paste this code into “Enter Verification Text” field.

  • this is getting confusing, well i guess that was what i seen at first before registering/sign up its completed now and i dont see that screen or a link to it anymore is there a way around this or do i just need to deleted the email i set up and re-sign up for google apps? so far I have the email(s) done, but the verification process

    thanks for all the help all you guys, its been greatly appreciated

  • hello any help availible? I might need o deleted the emails set and re-do the process justing trying to see if i should or not or if its even possible

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