eliminar link de descarga

  • He eliminado esta tarde el site, pero veo que hay al menos un link de descarga a un pdf que sigue descargándose . No está en mi ordenador el fichero ya que he probado con otros ordenadores y sigue descargándose. Probablemente hay alguna caché en el servidor de wordpress. Me urge que se elimine la descarga de estos link. Como puedo hacer ? Gracias

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there! Please note that we offer this forum in English – you are welcome to send messages in Spanish but I’ll be using Google Translate to understand them, and replying to you in English.

    I have deleted the site this afternoon, but I see that there is at least one download link to a pdf that is still downloading. The file is not on my computer since I have tried with other computers and it continues to download. There is probably some cache on the wordpress server. I urge you to remove the download from these links. How can I do ? Thank you

    Google Translate

    Could you let us know what link/PDF is still available? We’re happy to try to check this for you.

  • Hey there,

    Many thanks for that link – it looks like this was a cached link to the file.

    We’ve deleted this cache for you.

    I hope this helps!

    Let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

  • thanks, it’s solved

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