Editors / private posts

  • Brief background on CWRS Admin: Our board would like to use this blog for two purposes – First, for us (the board) to communicate about ongoing financial and administrative matters. Second, as a transparency tool for those who are interested in our nonprofit’s mission.

    We want sensitive financial information, as well as sensitive decision-making discussions, to be private. But we want the bulk of our conversations, anything related to fulfillment of our mission, to be open to the public.

    Initially, I had tried setting up password-protected posts. But we had two separate and equally disturbing issues with those. One board member (who had NOT yet gone through the paces to accept her WordPress “Editor” invitation) was able to access password-protected posts without entering the password. Another board member (who has a WordPress blog, and *had* accepted the “Editor” invitation) could not get the password to open the password-protected posts. And yes, we double-checked everything.

    So tonight, I changed what had been password-protected posts to private. One thing I liked: They disappeared from the blog category drop-down lists. That means that it’s not “in your face” that there is material not available to everyone.

    But: Although I have subscribed to (“followed”) the blog, and I am the blog Administrator, I did not get notification of a new post as I would have expected.

    First, how can our board members know that there’s a new private post they need to read?

    Also, is there a way to have a “menu” of some sort for private posts? If there are non-private posts in a category, and you click on that category (e.g. 2013 conference), then it does show the private posts. But there are a few categories that won’t ever have public posts. And there’s no way to “see” them.

    All help and suggestions appreciated!


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You do not want WordPress.com for this, trust me. You could do it with a totally separate, private blog for those sensitive documents and a public blog for the rest. At Wp.com, you could not do both those functions on the same site without a HUGE risk of human error posting things publicly.

    There is NEVER notification of private posts. The best solution is a separate, private blog. Subscribers to that do get notifications.

  • Thanks raincoaster. I had just been mulling over that option.

    The other thing I noticed that bugged me a bit: When I changed it to private, it tried to force the option of announcing it on Twitter. Now, we *do* want our public posts announced on Twitter, but not private ones. I thought that was odd.

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