
  • hi I have this blog MOD4IT made with the theme Dyad 2 but in the Appearance section I can not find the entry Editor, why? where the asset?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • @mod4it,

    Just to confirm, you are saying that you aren’t sure of where your CSS Customizer section is? If you had the Premium or Business Upgrade, and downgraded, that MAY be the reason why. Let me know, and I’ll be happy to help you further with this matter. Thanks!

  • Hi there!

    Do you mean the option to edit the theme?

    On WordPress.com sites using the Free, Personal or Premium plan the option to edit the theme through Appearance is not available. This option is only available on the Business plan.

    Hope this helps!

  • @mod4it

    Just to clear things up, as @alissonwp said if you want to modify your theme appearance through CSS, you need the Custom CSS option available with the Premium or Business plan.

    If you are talking about the Appearance > Editor tab on the WP-Admin area of your site (that you can usually find in a WordPress.org site for instance) that allows you to edit the theme files, is available only with the Business plan. As this Staff reply suggests:

    Hi Michelle, given the structure of this multi-user platform, editing of theme files is not allowed since everyone shares the same files. We do offer the ability to edit theme files, and install plugins with the WordPress.com Business plan upgrade, but not on any other plan.

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