Editing pics in new editor

  • Hello WP Community,

    You see—I’ve been using the WP Admin page (it seems the “old” page) for all these years to get through writing. All habits and all that jazz. But I’ve been using the “new editor” this past few days—WordPress didn’t stop reminding me— and when it comes to images… There is one feature that doesn’t work.

    I can’t “edit” pics. I keep tapping the edit icon (the pencil) and it does NOT do anything. No custom link, no alternative text, no caption, no open link in another window.

    Why is that?

    So at the end, I edit a text halfway—and then I go back to WP Admin → Drafts → See all → Choose the one I was working on → edit pics → Publish/Schedule.

    Does NOT seem like an improvement. So I’m sure it’s a bug.

    Am I the only one? If not, can anyone please help me?

    Thank you very much.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi –

    It must be very frustrating to go back to wp-admin to edit your images.
    Can you please try editing the images as mentioned in this document: https://en.support.wordpress.com/images/editing-an-image/

    If this does not work for you, could you please list the steps you are following to edit the image. or perhaps attach a screenshot(where you are clicking to edit)

    Take a Screenshot

  • Hi,

    When you click on edit icon, media page will open with selected picture. Now to edit that picture, click on the edit button which is located on the top between Add New and delete icon , and you will see all picture related options.

    Hope this helps :)

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