Editing image issue now really hard to do.

  • Now the media edit tool doesn’t take you directly to the picture concerned anymore, but just drops you into the media library. Why even bother with the tool showing attached to the image?

    However, the images in the library either no longer show after a certain point, and are just blank numbered boxes, or take a really long time to load (either way, it’s no longer functional to use when using an older image. This is a huge drag.

    Please return the edit function directly attached to the image you’re working on.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    Now the media edit tool doesn’t take you directly to the picture concerned anymore, but just drops you into the media library.

    I find that if you click on the image, then choose the edit icon which takes you to the media library, then the image that you clicked on has the number 1 overlaying it. If you then click the edit button at the top of the media library, then the edit media module for that image opens up. It’s odd that you’re not taken directly to the edit media module for the single.

    I don’t understand why the whole media library needs to be opened to edit one image. However, I avoid this by always using the WP-Admin editors and image library.

    However, the images in the library either no longer show after a certain point
    They seem to be on infinite scroll, so that as you scroll down more are fed. How quickly and smoothly that happens might depend on your internet speed and other factors.

    Still working at a fairly low internet speed, and with a relatively weak graphics card, I’ve never been a big fan of infinite scroll wherever it’s used.

    either way, it’s no longer functional to use when using an older image. This is a huge drag
    Agreed, particularly if you have a large media library. It’s astounding to me that they designed a media library without a search tool. There are over 10,000 images in the media library on my primary site. How is one supposed to find an image in the My Sites media library without a search tool? For me this is just one more in a long list of reasons to avoid the new editor and the My Sites media library, and to stick with the WP-Admin dashboard, media library, and editors.

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