Editing control

  • I have set my home page to be static, and I want it to be a statement of what the blog is about. So how can I change the name on the tab to ‘About’ instead of ‘A Butterfly Mind’? It used to be possible to shift-click on the menu bar to edit but there is no edit icon there now.

  • Hi there, Can you let us know the address of your site or at least the theme so we can take a look?

    Shift-click to edit something happens in the Customizer, but here’s how you can edit your menu there https://wordpress.com/support/customizer/#menus

  • Hi, this is my site: https://janturnbull.wordpress.com
    The tab in the navigation menu currently says ‘A Butterfly Mind’ but I would prefer it to say ‘About’. There is no option to click on it to edit, although there was at one time.

  • Hello again,

    Try this: go to the Customizer and click on Menu > and then select the menu you created for your top navigation. When that is open, click the down arrow next to “A Butterfly Mind” and there you’ll see the place that you can change the Navigation Label of that page to “About.” Make sure to click “Save Changes” to make it go live on your site.


    This should change the Navigation Label in your menu without changing the actual page slug. A good way to check this is by sharing your front page on social media. It should still say “A Beautiful Mind.”

    Also, if you have a Twitter account, add it to the Options block at https://wordpress.com/marketing/sharing-buttons/ so when people tweet your posts or pages, your twitter username will appear in the tweet rather than @wordpressdotcom

    Come back to this post if you have more questions.

  • Help!

    My navigation bar has now disappeared altogether! The customiser said I didn’t have any menus so I added one called ‘Home’ , saved changes and now there are no tabs at all in the navigation bar.

  • Hi there, don’t worry. All your information is still there.

    You can only change the navigation label if you are using a custom menu. If you didn’t have one previously, that may explain why you didn’t see the option.

    You can create or add a Custom Menu in the same place in the Customizer and make sure to mark it as your primary menu or top menu and then save your changes.

    Here’s the guide to creating a custom menu> https://wordpress.com/support/menus/#create-a-menu

  • OK I added A Butterfly Mind (which is my home page) and Daily Life (the blog page) to my new menu which I called Home. Miraculously the navigation bar reappeared. I then went to Customise>Menus>Home and changed the Navigation label of Butterfly Mind to About. I saved the changes but the label has not changed to About. The Customiser says the original was A Butterfly Mind and under that, in red, it says Remove. Do I click that or will it destroy something?

  • Glad it’s back. Don’t remove anything.

    Let me double check on my test site and post back here.

  • I’ve successfully changed the navigation label for my test site’s static home page in a custom menu on two different test sites using the Twenty Thirteen theme, so I am not sure why it’s not happening on your site.

    Would you like to create a new Custom Menu and add those pages again?

  • Hi, I gave it a rest and closed the program. When I came back I created a new menu called Test and added the two pages. For position I selected Navigation Bar and it worked. Yay! But then I found that the original one worked as well and I can change the text on the tabs.
    So a million thanks to you for talking me through this. One last thing – how do I delete the redundant Test menu safely?

  • But now I see that the first menu I created called ‘Home’ containing the pages About and Daily Life.
    Menu Location
    Here’s where this menu appears. If you’d like to change that, pick another location.

    (blank box) Navigation Menu (Current: Test)
    Menu Options
    (blank box) Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu

    And for the Test menu:
    Customizing ▸ Menus
    Menu Name
    Edit menu item: About (Page)
    Daily Life
    Edit menu item: Daily Life (Page)

    When in reorder mode, additional controls to reorder menu items will be available in the items list above.
    Menu Location
    Here’s where this menu appears. If you’d like to change that, pick another location.

    (ticked) Navigation Menu (Current: Test)
    Menu Options
    (blank box) Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu

    So should I untick this one and put the tick in the Home Nav box? And then delete Test?

  • Hello again, you’re welcome.

    So should I untick this one and put the tick in the Home Nav box? And then delete Test?

    Yes, it’s possible to do that (which will momentarily make your navigation menu disappear again in the Customizer) and then set Home as the menu, but…

    My thought is “if it ain’t broke…” The only person who will see that you have more than one menu (Test, Home) with the same items is you. Having more than one menu with the same items doesn’t affect how your site functions because, with Twenty Thirteen in particular, there is only one location where you can display that custom menu.

    One thing you may wish to do it tick the box where it says “Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu” because otherwise you will need to add those top level pages manually to your custom menu.

    Let us know if you need more help with this or have other questions.

  • Very wise advice, justjennifer! However, ticking the “Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu” box made me realise that was the whole reason I could not change the name on the tab, because the ability to edit the nav bar disappears..

    Thank you again for your patience and help.

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