Editing Appearance of Comments

  • Hi! On blogs hosted by other sites, the owners’ comments are shaded. Does wordpress.com allow us to modify the background color, or font color, of our own comments on our own blog? I’m willing to learn more about CSS or another code to set my comments apart from my visitors’.

    If any themes/templates automatically format the blog author’s comments differently, I’m also willing to change my theme.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • It’s important to understand that we cannot edit the underlying templates for our blogs n this multiuser blogging platform. If we could then what we changed would be changed in all blogs with the same theme.

    We can change the font size and size on each individual post but not throughout the whole theme, without purchasing the CSS upgrade.

    Also when it comes to the comments section we do have the option to “nest” comments without purchasing the CSS upgrade. We can also choose whether the most recent comments are displayed at the top or not. Setting -> Discussion
    Enable threaded (nested) comments levels deep
    Break comments into pages with top level comments per page and the page displayed by default
    Comments should be displayed with the comments at the top of each page

    We can make changes limited to appearance only by purchasing the CSS upgrade. http://faq.wordpress.com/2007/10/18/about-the-custom-css-upgrade/

    There is a preview function that we can use to see the effect of CSS changes Visit the Appearance -> Edit CSS tab on your dashboard. You can write or paste your own CSS stylesheet into the text box provided, and use the Preview button to see how it will look with your currently selected theme. The CSS changes you try with the Preview function are only visible to you, so you can test and edit to your heart’s content.

    I hope this answers all your questions. If not, please be patient and another volunteer will step in to help you.

  • Thank you, timethief! That was exactly the response I needed.

  • @amlynn
    You’re welcome and happy blogging.

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