Edit post toolbar not following

  • Hello,

    I searched the site for related questions to my problem. Basically, I understood that the team had decided to launched and went with the Calypso design for wordress admin editor. When you edit a post in the visual mode, the toolbar on the top is supposed to stick with you as you scroll down your long post.

    Here is my problem. It DOESN’T stick. I was fluttered when I first encountered this problem. As I scrolled down my post to add something and want to customize the impportant texts or add links or change color, I had to scroll all the way back to the top. Then, I had to scroll down to that very place to check if it’s as I want. If not, I had to repeat the process again. It’s quite time-consuming.

    I read a few and saw that some people had this before, but the thread is very old and is closed already. I also couldn’t find the resolve they had. Is there anyone still having this problem like me?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there! Just to check, this is happening for http://judymargaretchen.wordpress.com/ ? Would you be able to tell us which post you’ve been working on recently so we can check it over?

    Typically with the standard block editor experience, the toolbar should be available above every paragraph that you are editing, at that time. However the ‘Classic’ block (which mimics the older classic WordPress editor) does work a little differently. If you’re using the classic block for your posts, this might be what you’re seeing.

    Feel free to let us know more so we can help check things with you!

  • Hi! Sorry for the lte reply, I missed this mail in my mailbox.

    Yes, this is happening to http://judymargaretchen.wordpress.com/ , and the post I have been working on is https://judymargaretchen.wordpress.com/2016/04/24/list-dam-my-yeu-thich/

    I don’t think I was using the classic block. Whenever I go to edit the post, it should automatically open the standard one, shouldn’t it? I did want to turn on the Classic editor as my default, if there is a function like that.

  • Hey there,

    Many thanks for reaching out, so it sounds like you’re looking to edit via the classic editor, is that correct?

    If yes, I can see that when navigating from to posts > you’re directed to WP Admin view: https://judymargaretchen.wordpress.com/wp-admin/edit.php

    If you were to hover over a post and click Edit with Classic editor, you should be able to edit in the classic editor.

    I hope this helps! :)

  • Hi there,

    Yes, I still prefer to edit via the classic editor because I can see the toolbar on the top even though I have a long post.

    And, yes, when I wanted to edit a post, I usually choosee to be directed to WP admin view first though this takes an extra step, and then Edit with Classic Editor.

    When I posted this question, it was because I couldn’t access to the Classic Editor no matter what I tried. I panicked when I didn’t have a choice but the newer version. I wouldn’t mind the Calypso editor if that top toolbar actually follows me as I scroll down. I don’t like to change something, then scroll back up to edit and scroll down to check.

    I thought that was a bug and it would resolve itself after a newer release, but it’s still there until now.

    P/S: Sorry, my notification badge doesn’t work. I didn’t see any new notifications until I checked it.

  • Hi,

    I don’t mean to double post, but I want to include a screenshot of what happened when I was in the Calyso design editor. I forgot in my last reply, but couldn’t edit my post.

    This is it: https://ibb.co/pjDN92Y

    Is this default for the new editor wizard, or is it a bug on my wordpress site?

  • I’ve got the same problem that Judy describes. When I go to edit my posts (classic), the toolbar now sticks to the top of the post in edit and does not follow me down when I scroll, meaning I can basically not edit my posts if they are long. https://maidenrevelations.com/

    Any tips on how to get the toolbar moving again?


  • Hi there,

    I was able to replicate this and reported it to our developers. We’ll update you here once it’s fixed. Thank you for your feedback!

  • Hi, I’m wondering if there’s any update? I’m having the same issue, and unfortunately it’s making it nearly impossible to edit or create a new post. Thank you!

  • Hi @ouradventurejournal0ca5ce7b97,

    There are currently no new updates, but I did relay your report to the developers as well. So we’ll be sure to update you as well when there is a fix in place. Thank you!

  • I’m just wondering if there are any updates? This issue is making it really hard to make and edit posts. Would it be helpful if I changed my theme? Thank you!

  • Hey there!

    Thanks for reaching back out – it looks like this was resolved just yesterday.

    Are you able to tell me if you’re still experiencing this behaviour on the site?

    Many thanks in advance.

  • Hello, thanks for the quick response! It’s still not working for me. I have to scroll up and down the page anytime I want to edit or insert anything. Any ideas?

  • Hi there,

    I just checked and the problem is fixed for me. I tried a couple of times and yeah, the toolbar now follows me as I scroll up and down. Thank for resolving my problem!

    As I started this thread, this problem could be considered resolved, but it seems other members haven’t had their issues fixed yet.

  • The issue has been fixed. Thank you all for your patience.

    If anyone is still experiencing this issue, please let us know so we can further investigate.

  • Hello @fstat, I’m still experiencing this issue, and would love some guidance. Thank you!

  • Hi @ouradventurejournal0ca5ce7b97

    Sorry to hear that! Could you share the link to the page/post where you’re facing this issue so that we can take a look?


  • Hi @aisajib, apologies for the delay. This is affecting all the posts on my page. Here’s an example:

    The 13 Best Things to Do in Tossa de Mar, Spain

    As an example, if I want to add a hyperlink in a paragraph near the bottom of the post, I have to scroll all the way up to the top of the post to see the toolbar, click on the link button, and then scroll all the way back down again to insert the website link. I tried changing my theme, but it didn’t work. Please advise, thank you!

  • Hey @ouradventurejournal0ca5ce7b97

    Thanks for that additional information.

    It looks like that site is not hosted with WordPress.com, so our support with regards to that site is limited.

    I would recommend checking that the theme, plugins and that WordPress itself is up to date.

    I hope this helps!

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