Edit home page

  • How the hell do you edit the home page? Customize doesn’t get me there! This new set-up is more confusing than the old one – way to go! Also I love having to ask the “community” and not support – cheap asses

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Cheap access!! for a free hosted site!

    You have used WordPress.com for only 6 weeks, so you would benefit by working through the tutorial they offer to acclimate yourself to the way the software works:
    They also offer a lexicon (dictionary) to decipher the jargon here:

    Your site is private so we volunteers cannot examine what you have set up. Is your landing page a static front page? Or are you displaying your posts on the home page? What theme are you using? Have you purchased upgrades to modify the CSS of your site? If so, then what have you tried to change?

    Please clarify what you want to accomplish on your site with specific goals so we can assist you.

  • I have the same question: How do I find the “Home” page to edit???
    I’m using Woocommerce Amazon Affiliates WP Plugin with “Kindom” Woocommerce Amazon Affiliates Theme.
    I’ve tried look at Pages, Customize/Appearance, Woocommerce/Settings, and Post. I can’t find it for the life of me.
    What am I missing? Please help.

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